Andrew (Sid) Siddall is a maker and production designer working in live art events, theatre, installation and outdoor spectacle.

Andrew Siddall
Andrew (Sid) Siddall is a maker and production designer working in live art events, theatre, installation and outdoor spectacle. He has been transforming interior and exterior spaces around the globe for over 30 years and works with a wide range of materials from found and recycled to cutting edge digital.
He specializes in work which directly engages young people and communities as both audience and participant and works regularly in multilingual settings.
Andrew's current professional projects include:
- Voice Park – an interactive sculpture & sound installation created for Hull City of Culture 2017
- Ten in a Bed – an immersive storytelling project for under 5’s with Project Phakama UK
- Hope it Rains – a series of events celebrating water and play for Galway 2020: European City of Culture.