"The best thing about the Green Impact initiative was how engaged we all were," said Green Rangers team leader, Kara Khan.
Date: 22 May 2017
London Metropolitan University’s marketing department have been taking part in the Green Impact scheme at the University.
Green Impact, a national scheme run by the National Union of Students (NUS), brings together students and staff to green campuses, curriculums and communities.
The Green Rangers are made up of Miguel Ferrer, Kara Khan, Karl Van Sielman, Josephine Tamburello, Beth Apple, Chidubem Nwabufo, Hasnai Benkacem, Alan Ward, Kate Stanbury, Demetria Maratheftis, Steve Blunt, Alex Drew, Artur Vogt and Dawn Fernandez.
The Green Rangers have been getting others engaged with the scheme by starting their own blog, which you can read here.
“The Christmas tree and decorations we made over the festive period were a highlight of Green Impact for all of us,” Kara said.
“Over our lunch break we all came together and made paper snowflakes from old Time Out magazines and used old prospectuses to create a beautiful Christmas tree. Beth wrote a poem about it.
“This made us stop and think about how we could cut down on the amount we printed. We’ve since reduced the number of printed prospectuses we produce and have made sure that our meetings and general day-to-day work activities are as paperless as possible.”
And if you’re a staff member at London Met and didn’t take part in the 2016/17 Green Impact scheme, the Green Rangers highly recommend that you take part next year in the 2017/18 initiative. “It’s a lot of fun and it feels good that you’re making a difference! Start thinking of your team name now and sign up as soon as Green Impact opens for business next year,” Kara said.
The Green Rangers even got involved in a rivalry with Team Extreme, our colleagues in the Community, Outreach and Events department. Both teams started a blog which have been widely read and improved the engagement of Green Impact.
London Met will be hosting an internal awards ceremony on 25 May to celebrate the success of staff who have taken part.