Law students from the Faculty of Business & Law astound Clifford Chance partners
Date: 02/06/2014
Faculty of Business & Law students were given the opportunity via the Adab Trust to be grilled by a panel of Clifford Chance law professionals at their offices in Canary Wharf. Three teams, made up of second and third year law students, competed against each other through a gruelling presentation and a question and answer session which tested their legal knowledge and research of the firm.
The event mirrored real life practice in that the teams presented ‘pitches’ for work to a potential corporate client. This involved demonstrating commercial awareness as well as explaining why Clifford Chance, with regard to its expertise, was most suited to being the legal service provider which could best meet the needs and concerns of this potential client.
The students involved were extremely professional and knowledgeable during their presentations and impressed the panel of Clifford Chance employees so much they were told they should consider applying for roles within the firm. One of the Clifford Chance partners said he was “blown away” by one of the presentations in particular as it was so good.
Members of the winning team were presented with bottles of champagne and received high praise from the panel of Clifford Chance lawyers. Clifford Chance has already expressed an interest in further developing this initiative in conjunction with London Met and the Adab Trust, so we look forward to hopefully providing further opportunities for London Met law students to obtain exposure to international corporate work.