The University scooped up five sustainability awards this week.
Date: 18 November 2016
London Metropolitan University won five awards this week for its sustainability programme, which has gained national attention.
London Met scooped up three awards during last night’s Public Sector Sustainability (PSS) Awards. The University won Most Sustainable Public Sector Organisation, in homage of its extensive sustainability efforts including installing 221 solar panels on the roof of the Science Centre and launching a new sustainability scheme to get staff from all areas of the University involved.
London Met’s sustainability manager, Rachel Ward, won Sustainability Manager of the Year at the PSS awards. The Islington-based University also won Energy Champion Runner Up at last night’s awards. The awards come in recognition of the sustainability team’s commitment to reducing the University’s carbon footprint. The Lighting Up London Met project was introduced to the University with three main aims; to install 3,170 LED lights at the Holloway campus, to install 221 PV solar panels, and to install 914 double glazed windows. All three aims were successfully met.
The University also won Highly Commended in the Carbon Reduction Category at the 2016 Green Gown Awards on 10 November. Awarded at the annual award ceremony, this year’s held in Leicester, this is the second year running London Met’s sustainability team have been a carbon reduction finalist. Last year, London Met won runner up in the Carbon Reduction category.
Rachel Ward came on top at the Energy Institute Awards by winning Energy Champion Highly Commended.
“We've won these awards as recognition of the great sustainability projects including our roof garden, bees and solar panels,” said Rachel Ward.
“None of this could have been successfully achieved without the help of all of our students and staff. I'm really proud of everything we've achieved together.”
London Met is committed to continue reducing its environmental impact and to use resources in an environmentally sustainable and responsible way. The University met and exceeded its 2020 carbon reduction target four years early.
Find out more about London Met’s Sustainability programme and how you can get involved.