NORMAL - Real stories from the Sex Industry

Screening of film produced by Cass Senior Lecturer Charlotte Worthington

Date: 31 January 2014

FAIR, WLRI and The Facility present a special screening of the creative documentary NORMAL (Dir. Nick Mai, 2012) which was co-produced by Charlotte Worthington, course leader on the MA in Film and Broadcast Production at The Cass.

The film's director, Professor Nick Mai will be present to introduce the film and talk about his other works and the screening will be followed by a Q&A with Senior Lecturer in Film Studies Anne Robinson. 

About Normal

How can we represent the complexity of migrants' trajectories within the global sex industry? How can we give voice to migrants while protecting their identities? How can we interrogate the politics of victimhood in representations of all migrant sex workers as either victims or villains within hegemonic fictions and documentaries on sex trafficking?

These issues and questions are at the core of Normal, a 48 minute creative documentary that brings the life stories of male, female and transgender migrants working in the sex industry to the screen. Drawing on original interviews with people working in the sex industry in Albania, Italy and the UK, documentary director and ethnographer Nicola Mai reveals their unheard stories. The viewer is continually challenged by their words, their dreams and the lives that they lead. Actors portray all the characters in order to guarantee the anonymity and safety of the original interviewees; this technique also challenges the criteria of authenticity underpinning research, humanitarianism and documentary film-making.

The film premiered with a sold-out screening at the Raindance film festival last year.

This screening is open to all, but guests from outside London Metropolitan University should email -

Poster for film 'Normal'

News details

Venue: Tower Building, GC 108, Holloway Road, London N7 8DB