HRM Team Leader has research articles published
Date: 13.08.2014
Dr Sue Shortland, team leader for the Human Resource Management (HRM) courses, has had two journal articles published on her research into women’s expatriation in the oil and gas industry. The following articles are now available online and will shortly appear in print:
- Shortland, S. (2014) ‘The ‘expat factor’: The influence of working time on women’s decisions to undertake international assignments in the oil and gas industry’ The International Journal of Human Resource Management
- Shortland, S. (2014) ‘Role models: Expatriate gender diversity pipeline or pipe-dream?’ Career Development International
Dr Shortland is the Faculty’s expert on expatriation and international HRM and her research interests lie in the area of gender diversity in expatriation. Sue regularly gives lectures on the undergraduate and postgraduate HRM courses within the Faculty. Staff who teach in the HR area are research active and students can be assured that new research is always incorporated into their teaching and learning.
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