London Metropolitan University recently hosted Karen Goodman of the British Association of Social Workers.
Date: 5 January 2018
Students studying social work at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels were given the opportunity to hear ‘straight from the horses’ mouth’ about developments in their chosen field. Karen Goodman (pictured), who is a Professional Officer with the British Association of Social Workers (BASW), addressed London Met’s Social Work BSc and Social Work MSc students on the importance of ethics in social work, industry apprenticeships, and her experience of working in the profession.
Karen and the students discussed what it means to be a social worker today, with many students pointing out the negative portrayal of social workers in the media and the lack of media coverage about the social workers who are working to support the survivors of the Grenfell Tower fire.
Two recent pieces of legislation, one proposed and one finalised, were highlighted in the discussion as significant for today’s social workers; the December 2017 Green Paper on transforming children’s and young people’s mental health which is currently being consulted on, and last year’s Children and Social Work Act which seeks to enhance support for looked-after children up to the age of 25.
Another significant development reported in Karen’s presentation was the transfer from the Health and Care Professions Council to a new social work regulator 'Social Work England' which will take over responsibility for the regulation of social work practitioners and social work education this year.
Andrew Linton, course leader of London Met’s Social Work BSc, said: “The BASW presentation was exceptionally well attended and very timely as it identified the need for further professional development following on from the existing BSc and MSc social work qualifying programmes. In addition, it identified potential developments and new trends in social work practice which social work students reported as being extremely valuable.”
The British Association of Social Workers is the professional association for social workers in the UK. It represents the profession and supports and promotes best practice in social work and the well-being of its members.