Special Guest Angela Saini, author of Superior and Inferior, will unpack the roots and social construction of race in academia.
Date: 8 June 2021
London Met’s Centre for Equity and Inclusion is proud to launch its first Annual Special Guest Lecture, presenting the award-winning author and journalist Angela Saini.
In this special lecture Angela Saini will unpack the roots and social construction of race in academia. All are welcome to join the event, which will uncover the dark side of academia, and its intimate and enduring relationship with the pseudo-science of eugenics.
Angela Saini is an award-winning science journalist, author and broadcaster. She presents radio and television programmes for the BBC, and her writing has appeared across the world, including in New Scientist, Prospect, The Sunday Times, Wired, and National Geographic.
Angela's latest book, Superior: The Return of Race Science, was published by 4th Estate in May 2019 to enormous critical acclaim and was a finalist for the LA Times Book Prize and the Foyles Book of the Year. Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong, was published in 2017, winning the Physics World Book of the Year.