Postgraduate student exhibits at new group show in the East End
Date: 27 August 2019
Jenny Nash, a postgraduate photography student at The Cass is one of the exhibitors at Impressions, and exhibition at Espacio Gallery from the 27 August until 1 September. There will be a private view event on the 29 August from 6pm to 9pm.
Jenny will be exhibiting six images at Impressions from a body of work which takes its inspiration from two areas of photographic practice. The methodology combines the practice of phototherapy (developed by Rosy Martin & Jo Spence) and Sigmund Freud's theory of Pathography which was developed into a lens based practice of self-realisation by Dr. Spencer Rowell. While both of these practices rely on other people's input Jenny’s practice is a solo one.
About Impressions
Most things in our hectic modern lives go unnoticed while only a few will leave a profound and lasting impression. The exhibition explores how artists have used a variety of different media to convey the influence and Impressions left on their psyche by their subject matter.
Artists: Peter D'Alessandri, Judith Bieletto, Tonatiúh Bieletto Trejo, Ronald Hernandez, Hebert Kozu, Juliana Lauletta, Adam Lucy, Mania, Bru Marie, Jenny Nash, Roy Peterson, Jennifer López-Rateike, Tsuruko, Salma Zulfiqar
Curated by Carlos De Lins
Work by Jenny Nash will also be on display at The Cass MA Show from the 11 to 15 September
Image: Yellow (Detail) by Jenny Nash
27 August- 1 September 2019
PV 29 August 6pm-9pm
Espacio Gallery
159 Bethnal Green Road,
E2 7DG