A workshop event on the significance of participation and engagement in processes of urban change, curated by Luke Cooke-Yarborough and Julika Gittner.
Date: 24 April 2014
You are invited to the third and final workshop in the Good Deeds series, investigating the significance of participation, engagement and collaboration in processes of urban regeneration. Good Deeds, Smallest Evils or Pacts with the Devil? is curated by Luke Cooke-Yarborough and Julika Gittner, and with the venue and some enthusiastic encouragement provided by the Cass.
Instant Community versus long-term engagement will investigate, through varied perspectives of urban regeneration, how existing communities can influence urban change with a specific focus on duration of regeneration processes. It will reflect on the speed of change and its impact on the quality and appropriateness of the urban interventions. It will consider the role of quick projects, events and pilots in shaping more significant development.
The session will allow for a unique insight into the motivations and practices of varied practitioners, through the experiences of five speakers that span the spectrum of involvement in urban change.
Southwark Notes - activist-research group
Martyn Evan - Cathedral Group
Harry Weeks - University of Edinburgh
WochenKlausur - artist collective
Will Anderson - Cambridge Design Research Studio
The event is free and all are welcome. To be sure of a place please register here.
Good Deeds is supported by Cambridge Design Research Studio (University of Cambridge). The venue and some enthusiastic encouragement is provided by the Cass.

News details
- Date /Time: Saturday 26th April, 10am-3.30pm
- Venue: 4th Floor Central House
- Contact: Mark Brearley
- Supported by: Cambridge Design Research Studio
- Book a place: here