An Instagram-based exhibition by Spring entry foundation students at the School of Art, Architecture and Design will run from 25-30 July 2022.
Date: 25 July 2022
Students who started in their foundation year at the School of Art, Architecture and Design in January will present their work in EYE 2, a ‘takeover exhibition’ of both course and school Instagram accounts from 25-30 July 2022
Recognising that there are many ways to share creative work with different audiences from the traditional exhibition to more recent innovations in online shows and through social media, the School's students are encouraged to explore all of these platforms during their time at the University.
Examples of experiences on the course through the year and from final projects will be presented as live events throughout the week and then included on LIVENESS , the school’s online platform for the start of the new academic year in the Autumn.
To see the work follow the Instagram accounts of the foundation course @foundation_ldnmetarts and the school @ldnmetarts.
Image: Final major project, spatial device for navigating the city by Camila Delagnese, Term 2 AID Studio