The Cass, one of the top 100 schools in Europe – again.

For the second year running The Cass has been listed as one of Europe’s top architecture and design schools.

Date: 27 January 2016

Each year Domus Magazine publishes its highly respected list of the best educational institutions for architecture and design. For the second year in a row The Cass has been included in Europe’s Top 100 Schools of Architecture and Design 2016.

The publication exemplifies Domus’ desire to act as an international point of reference for the education – and the educational debate – of future European architects and designers. Domus has established the guide as a point of reference for guidance on the educational options in the architectural and design worlds, taking employability options as a major consideration.

The guide offers an annotated selection of the educational provision in the spheres of architecture, product design, graphic design and interaction design, as offered by the leading European schools.

The guide is based on the following evaluation criteria: international outlook and efficiency; research activities and foreign exchanges; professors and prominent former students; plus links with public and private bodies.

It features the most innovative schools and those with a longstanding tradition that offer prize structures and libraries, but don't expect the schools to be ranked, this guide believes design schools have become too diverse to compare with one another, believing instead that for every potential student there is a school that is the right match.

Each school listed is accompanied by its vital statistics, such as the length and cost of the course, the size of the school itself and its influential tutors and alumni, as well as a well-researched description of its educational priorities and culture.

The guide was free with the December 2015 issue of Domus, and free to subscribers for download in the digital version.


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