Christmas Cheers!

Welcome to the class of 2014! The Design School throws open its doors, inviting students and staff to tour all 2014 studios.

Date: 16 December 2014

Welcome to the class of 2014! The Design School throws open its doors, inviting students and staff to tour all 2014 studios.
Please come and see each others' pop-up shows, enjoy the chance of winning £100 and join us to share your favourite homecooking/ national dish alongside a glass of wine and some christmas cheer...
Enter our prize draw by visiting all our studios and help to choose the emerging design studio 'One To Watch' People's Choice Prize!
  1. Each studio hosts an open studio 'pop-up' or 'sneak peek', showing creative practice underway to your peers within your own studio space 
  2. Follow the School map, collect studio mementos, experience the full magic of the School. Talent spot the 'one to watch' on social media @thecassdesign! 
  3. The grand tour culminates with a shared moment, sampling world cuisine via student-made home-cooking 'national favourite' dishes 5pm onwards
Join us (bringing your own!) for the creative treasure hunt and plenty of christmas cheer in Commercial Road foyer, 4.00pm-8.00pm. 
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
School of Design //shift team
Image Credit: John Lehet

News details

Location Commercial Road
Central House
Event Food and drinks: Commercial Road Foyer
Show 3D Studios
Visual Communication Studios
Interiors Studios
Date Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Time 4pm-8pm