Odd Eyes Theatre founder Emilia Teglia will premiere her play #haters at a special production on 26 November.
Date: 29 October 2015
Theatre studies graduate Emilia Teglia will put on a special production of #haters, her latest play to write and direct, at London Metropolitan University on Thursday 26 November.
The play, inspired by real events, tells about "impulsive acts, opt-outs and the abuse of power at the hand of faceless internet mobs with a good dose of self-irony and with extreme compassion for the characters involved".
“The play reflects on the changing faces of communities affected by urban regeneration and on the way social media heightens stereotypical representations of social groups,” says Emilia who has also guest lectured at the University since graduating in 2007.
“#haters was inspired by a knife incident that in 2014 brought attention to the ‘hipster’ phenomenon and to the repercussions of gentrification on gang culture.”
Emilia is the co-founder and Artistic Director of Odd Eyes Theatre and has written and directed all of the company’s shows. She also is a freelance theatre director and art development consultant.
After the show at London Met’s newly refurbished Great Hall, #haters will be performed at The Foundling Museum at London’s Brunswick Square later this month and Bethnal Green’s Rich Mix in December.
Odd Eyes Theatre has collaborated with the Arts Council to fund the project, and some of the current generation of students have been invited to take part in the play's chorus and will have the opportunity to analyse the play for their coursework.
“The play is a fantastic way of bringing issues to life,” commented Stuart Isaacs, Senior Lecturer in Social Policy and Sociology, who has helped set up the event.
“It’s both a new way of getting students to understand some of the social issues, as well as widening access to the arts.”
The London Met performance will end with a question and answers session on the theme of regeneration, knife crime and the internet.
To book tickets for the play and for more information please go the Odd Eyes Theatre website.
London Met staff and students can attend the event for free. To find out more information please go to the event’s Eventbrite page.