What's on today?

We're so glad that you've been able to make it to today's open day! 

Throughout the day there will be information fairs, support sessions and other activities available. Don't worry if you don't know where to go, our helpful staff and student ambassadors will be on hand to help guide you around the university.

Room key 

GC – Graduate Centre

TB – Tower Building (main)

CY –  Court Yard

SC - Science Centre

RB - Roding Building

Schedule of sessions

Welcome 11:10 - 11:25
Arts, Architecture and Design at Holloway subject sessions 11:30 - 12:10
Business Law subject sessions 11:30 - 12:10
Computure and Digital Media subject sessions 11:30 - 12:10
Human Sciences subject sessions 11:30 - 12:30
Built Environment subject sessions 11:30 - 12:30
Social Sciences and Professons subject sessions 11:30 - 12:30
Welcome 12:45 13:00
Courtyard activities  11:30 - 14:30
Support services information fair 11:30 - 14:30
Support sessions 11:30 - 14:30
Academic one to ones (advice)  12:15 - 14:30

Our reception will be open from 10:30am


Welcome to London Met Welcome to London Met - Start the day with a warm welcome from the London Met Team and discover more about life at London Met! 11.10 - 11.20 The Courtyard  
Biosciences Biochemistry / Biological Science / Biomedical Science /Forensic Science / Medical Bioscience / Natural Sciences (Biology) 11:30 - 12:30 TG-30  Henry Thomas Room The Tower Building
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Chemistry / Natural Sciences (Chemistry) / Pharmaceutical Science / Pharmacology 11:30-12:15 Super lab SC3-15 Science Centre
Dietetics and Nutrition Dietetics and Nutrition / Dietetics / Human Nutrition 11:30-12:15 GC1-08 Science Centre
Sport Science and Therapy Sport and Exercise Science / Sport Psychology, Coaching and Physical Education / Sports Therapy 11:30-12:15 SC1-21 Science Centre
Nursing Adult nursing 11:30-12:15 GC1-08  
Airline, Airport and Aviation Management Airline, Airport and Aviation Management 11:30 -12:10 TM1-47 The Tower Building
Accounting, Banking, Finance  Accounting and Finance / Banking and Finance 11:30 -12:10 T1-20 The Tower Building
Economics Economics and Finance / Economics / Economics, Finance and International Business 11:30 -12:10 TM1-41 The Tower Building
Business Management Business Management / Business Management and Human Resource Management / Business Management and Marketing / Digital Business Management / International Business Management 11:30 -12:10 T11-03 The Tower Building
Human Resources Business Management and Human Resources 11:30 -12:10 TM1-43 The Tower Building
Law Law / Law (with International Relations) / LLB Law / LLB (Criminal Law 12:30 - 13:00 Mock Court Room T4-17 The Tower Building
Translation Translation 11:30 -12:10 GCG-09  (T4-16 - interpreting suite) The Tower Building
Travel & Tourism Management Tourism and Travel Management 11:30 -12:10 TM1-38 The Tower Building

Events / Music Business and Live Entertainment
Events Management / Events Management and Marketing,  Music Business Management 11:30 -12:10 TM1-38 The Tower Building
Fashion Marketing and Business Management/
Advertising, Marketing and PR
Fashion Marketing and Business Management 11:30 -12:10 TM1-38 The Tower Building
Creative Writing and English Literature Creative Writing and English Literature
Creative Writing and English Literature (including foundation year)"
11:30 -12:10 TM1-42 The Tower Building
Theatre Arts Theatre and Film (Top-Up)
Theatre and Film
Theatre and Performance
Theatre and Performance Practice (Top-up)"
11:30 -12:10 TMG-65 The Tower Building
Animation and Games Games Animation, Modelling and Effects / Games Programming 11:30 -12:10 T8-03 The Tower Building
Communications Technology and Mathematics Computer Networking and Infrastructure Security / Computer Systems Engineering and Robotics / Data Science / Electronics and Internet of Things / Mathematical Sciences / Mathematics / Mathematical Sciences 11:30 -12:10 T8-02 The Tower Building
Computer Science and Applied Computing Computer Networking and Cyber Security / Computer Science / Computing / Cyber Security and Forensic Computing / Digital Forensics and Cyber Security / Software Engineering 11:30 -12:10 T7-06 The Tower Building
Film and Television Studies Film and Television Studies
Film and Television Studies (including foundation year)
11:30 -12:10 TMG-61 The Tower Building
Journalism Journalism / Beauty Marketing and Journalism / Journalism, Film and Television Studies / Fashion Marketing and Journalism / Photojournalism 11:30 -12:10 BP2-24 Benwell Road
Media and Communications/ Digital Media Digital Media / Media and Communications / Media and Marketing 11:30 -12:10 TM1-03 Roding building
Creative / Media
Film and Television Production

Film and Television Production - BA (Hons)
Film and Television Production (including foundation year) - BA (Hons)
11:40 - 12:40 Film studios (TMG room TBC) The Tower Building
School of social professions School of social sciences and professions - all subjects 11:30 -12:10    
Criminology Criminology / Criminology and International Security / Criminology and Law / Criminology and Policing / Criminology and Psychology / Criminology and Sociology / Criminology and Youth Studies / Sociology / Police Studies, Procedure and Investigation / Youth Justice 11:30 -12:10 TM3-03  Roding Building
Politics and International Relations Politics / International Relations / International Relations and Law / International Relations and Politics / International Relations with Languages / Diplomacy and International Relations 11:30 -12:10 TM2-02 Roding Building
Psychology Psychology / Psychology and Sociology / Counselling and Coaching 11:30 -12:10 TM3-01 Roding Building
Sociology Criminology / Criminology and International Security / Criminology and Law / Criminology and Policing / Criminology and Psychology / Criminology and Sociology / Criminology and Youth Studies / Sociology / Police Studies, Procedure and Investigation / Youth Justice 11:30 -12:10 TM3-03  Roding Building
Community and Youth Leadership in Communities BSc (Hons)
Leadership in Communities (including foundation year) BSc (Hons
Youth Studies - BSc (Hons)
Youth Studies (including foundation year) - BSc (Hons)
Youth Work (with JNC Recognition) BSc (Hons)
Youth Work (with JNC Recognition) (including foundation year) BSc (Hons) 
11:30 -12:10 TM1-05 Roding Building
Early Childhood Studies Early Childhood Studies / Early Years Education 11:30 -12:10 TM3-12 Roding Building
Education Education / Primary Education 11:30 -12:10 TM1-45 Roding Building
Health and Social Care Health and Social Care / Public Health and Health Promotion 11:30 -12:10 TM1-01 Roding Building
Social Work Social Work - BSc (Hons)
Social Work (including foundation year) - BSc (Hons)
11:30 -12:10 TM3-11 Roding Building
Built Environment   11:30 -12:10 TM1-40
Welcome to London Met Welcome to London Met - If you missed it in the morning with a warm welcome from the London Met Team and discover more about life at London Met! 12:45 - 13:00 GC1-08 Graduate Centre
Funding your studies Learn more about the funding options that are available to you. 11:30 - 12:00 TMG-58 Tower Building
Preparing for University This session is designed to help you understand the UCAS application process, funding your studies, the local area and making the most of your university experience.  11:40 - 12:00 TMG-05 Tower Building
Funding your studies Learn more about the funding options that are available to you. 13:00 - 13:30 TM1-45 Tower Building
Preparing for University This session is designed to help you understand the UCAS application process, funding your studies, the local area and making the most of your university experience.  13:40 - 14:00 TM1-45 Tower Building
UCAS application and personal statement workshop Drop into this insightful session to help you understand the UCAS application process and tip to develop an impactful personal statement. 13:40 - 14:10 TM1-38 Tower Building

Drop in throughout the day to find out all you need to know about accommodation, careers and more.

Time: 11:30 - 14:30

Location: Graduate 1st floor center foyer / TM1-38 The Graduate Centre


Admissions Take a student led tour of the campus facilities and hear from some of our experts along the way. 11:30 - 14:30
Drop in throughout the event
TM1-83 Tower Building
Campus tours Take a student led tour of the campus facilities and hear from some of our experts along the way. 11:30 - 14:30
Drop in throughout the event
Graduate 1st floor center foyer The Graduate Centre
Careers and Employability
Our careers team is here to discuss where your degree could take you, as well as work opportunities available whilst studying. 11:30 - 14:30
Drop in throughout the event
TM1-83 Tower Building
Disabilities and Dyslexia Service Our support team can provide guidance for anyone with a disability or specific learning difference, those who are D/deaf or hard of hearing, blind or partially sighted, as well as anyone with long-term health conditions or mental health difficulties. 11:30 - 14:30
Drop in throughout the event
TM1-83 Tower Building
International team Our international team are available to provide information and advice on applying as an international student, as well as information to all students on the opportunities of studying abroad. 11:30 - 14:30
Drop in throughout the event
TM1-83 Tower Building
Student ambassadors

Our student ambassadors are on hand to help you make the most of the day.  Please feel free to have a chat with them about student life! 11:30 - 14:30
Drop in throughout the event
Graduate 1st floor center foyer The Graduate Centre
Student money and
accommodation advice
Our team can help with a range of issues related to funding and accommodation. You can find out about the different options available to you in London, from student halls to private rented accommodation. We can also offer support with making your funding application to Student Finance England. 11:30 - 14:30
Drop in throughout the event
TM1-83 Tower Building
Academic advice:Social Sciences and Professions, Human Science We're sure you'll have questions for our tutors.  These one-to-one sessions allow you talk to them individually. 11:30 - 14:30
Drop in throughout the event
TM1-83 Tower Building
Academic advice: Computing & Digital Media TG-02 & TG-03 Tower Building
Academic advice: Business & Law,
Built Environment,
Art, Architecture and Advice 
Student Hub  Tower Building
Other games in the courtyard Enjoy so community games in the  relaxing Courtyard space 11:30- 15:00
Drop in throughout the event 
The Courtyard The Courtyard
Food and refreshments Upon arrival you and your guests will  receive a voucher to claim your free refreshment.
Food outlets are open with a range of food and drink to purchase.
11:00-14:30 The Junction and The Courtyard Tower Building
Prayer rooms The prayer rooms are open throughout the day  11:00-14:30 TM1-84 Tower Building
Quiet spaces -  Inner Courtyard Our outdoor tranquil  and relaxing space.  11:00-14:30 The Inner Courtyard Courtyard
Quiet spaces - Indoor area Please chat to our team and they will direct you to  the nearest quiet space to your current location. 11:00-14:30 Visit the help desk - The junction Tower Building

Our Undergraduate and Postgraduate open evening will end around 15:00