Policy information for applicants

Standard entry criteria

London Metropolitan University is committed to transparent admissions procedures.

Standard terms of admission

All offers made by London Metropolitan University are subject to the standard terms of admissions. These will be confirmed with your official offer.


Fees are subject to annual revision, but changes to fees in respect of continuing students (that is, those already registered at the time of the change) will be limited to the greater of the annual change in the Retail Price Index or 5% per annum. Fees are charged for each year in which you enrol. The fee for each year is based on the modules that you register for in that year.

Admissions appeals procedure

The University is committed to ensuring that all of our admissions decisions are fair, transparent and conducted according to our agreed policies and procedures and to this end the University has adopted the following appeals policy:

An appeal is defined as a request for reconsideration of a decision to reject an application. The University will not normally alter a rejection decision should an applicant’s actual performance be greater than was predicted or demonstrated at the time of his or her application.

Should a rejected applicant consider that either:

  • the University has not adhered to its own policies or procedures or breach of any national policies or relevant legal requirements: or 
  • that there is evidence of bias or prejudice against the applicant

Then he or she is entitled to ask for a review of the decision to reject the application.

Fee status questionnaire

Your fee classification (Home or Overseas fee payer) will be determined based on the information you provide on your application form including nationality, residency status and duration in the UK. Should we require more information in order to make a decisions you will be sent a email with an online task to answer further questions and provide supporting evidence. The information you provide will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act and will be used to help us assess your correct status regarding fees and student support. This information will not be made available outside the University.

Equal opportunities

London Metropolitan University and its two heritage institutions have over 150 years' history of removing barriers to education. We are proud of the diverse and varied nature of our student and staff population and value the attributes that such diversity brings. We have a long-standing commitment to the provision of equal opportunities and to combating social injustice. We are also committed to offering educational opportunities to all who can benefit, to fair access, and to ensuring the best possible educational and social experience for our students and the best attainable outcomes for their efforts.

London Metropolitan University is committed to the provision of accurate and appropriate pre-entry information and will provide support to prospective students to ensure that they are able to make an informed decision about whether to apply for a course.

Student sitting in the Atrium