The purpose of the portfolio interview is to try and assess each student’s potential and ability to benefit from the course. This will take the form of a discussion around the applicant’s range of interests and focus on their portfolio of work. The interview is a two-way process: the interviewer wants to see what skills and interests the applicant has, so it is important to spend some time preparing your portfolio.

Typically the portfolio of work should help to explain your art and design process and should start with the earliest work and work down sequentially to the most recent work. The portfolio of work can include any area of interest.

These are some suggestions for inclusion:

  • Sketchbooks
  • Observational drawings 
  • Drawings of objects which are of interest to you
  • Evidence of experimentation with different media
  • Drawings and 2D design development sheets/models that evidence your journey through a project from primary visual research, through to 2/3D conclusions 
  • Life drawing
  • Any 3D work in any material  

Please interpret the above as you feel appropriate.