Creative Music Technologies BA (Hons) - Portfolio guidelines

The purpose of the portfolio interview is to assess your potential and your ability to benefit from the course. This will take the form of a discussion around your range of interests and a portfolio of work. The interviewer wants to see what skills and interests you have, so it is important to spend some time preparing your portfolio.

What your portfolio should contain

Your portfolio should include two or three music works that you've been involved in the creation, performance or production of. These should demonstrate your abilities and experience, and you should be able to talk about these in detail.

You must present the works as non-compressed .AIFF or .WAV files on a USB memory stick, or alternatively you are welcome to bring a laptop or hard drive with a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) project.

Please note that we do not accept MP3s.

The interview usually takes around 30 minutes.