The service
London Met has a dedicated apprenticeship team to ensure the service you receive is tailored to your needs. To get you started the team can provide a full administration service to ensure compliance with and draw down of levy funding. If you need to recruit to the apprenticeship, the team would be happy to support this recruitment process for you to help you secure the best candidate. Throughout we will inform you how your apprentice is doing and be in regular contact via reviews to ensure you’re happy with the overall programme.
Added value
In addition to this, London Met provides significant added value beyond the product and related services. London Met is one of the most diverse universities in London with over 60% of students from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds and all students represent 142 distinct nationalities. Over half of our students are classed as mature students (over 25), which is unusual for the education sector. Particularly if you are considering existing employees for an apprenticeship, they can be assured that they will be studying alongside people across a range of ages.