London Metropolitan University is committed to ensuring that all its procurement activity works effectively and fairly for all parties.
The University operates a devolved purchasing system where "day-to-day" purchasing decisions are made by staff in service departments and schools. The University's central procurement team provides advice and assistance on best purchasing practice, and for all specifications with a value over £100,000, the team manages the tendering process on behalf of the purchasing department/school.
With this in mind we have developed this purchasing complaint procedure to ensure that any bidders who have complaints about any procurement processes undertaken can contact the appropriate personnel and have their complaint appropriately addressed.
Please note:
This complaint procedure only applies to the quotation or tendering process, and not during the contract management period. The resolution of complaints and disputes during the period of a contract are subject to the conditions of contract and may include conciliation, arbitration and legal procedures.
How to raise a complaint
If you have a complaint regarding a procurement process/activity your company was involved in which was managed by one of the University's service departments or schools, please follow the steps below:
(If your complaint is in regard to the academic side of the University, please see Complaints).
First Stage: |
1. Initially you should lodge your complaint in writing either using the form below or via an email to A copy of every complaint received will be entered into a complaints log with the date of receipt. |
Second Stage: |
1. If you are unhappy with the final complaint response from the head of strategic procurement in the first stage, you may refer the matter to the director of finance. |
Third Stage: |
1. If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome from the director of finance, you may request a review by the university secretary one one or more of the following grounds: a) illegality 2. Requests for review must be received by the university secretary within 10 working days of the final response from the director of finance and must state the grounds for review and the reasons those grounds apply or by email to |