Honorary doctorates and masters

Please note: The normal procedure for conferring honorary awards is outlined below. This is currently suspended. Those who have already submitted nominations or been offered conferments must await further instructions.

Honorary awards of London Metropolitan University

The annual invitation for honorary awards is now open, to be submitted at any time throughout the year. Valid nominations will be considered by the University’s Governance Committee, which meets three times a year. At each of these meetings the Governance Committee will make recommendations to the Board of Governors for the approval of nominated awards.

The University’s Board Regulations provide for two types of honorary awards:

  • Honorary doctorates, which may be conferred on those who have made outstanding contributions to particular fields of academic or professional endeavour
  • Honorary fellowships, which may be conferred to those who have made exceptional accomplishments that reflect the ethos and values important to the University and its community

Guidance for nominators

  • A supporting statement must be submitted as part of the nomination form to make the case for the award for consideration by the Governance Committee, bearing in mind that the Committee may have little or no prior knowledge of the nominee's work.
  • The supporting statement should be at least one paragraph, no longer than 700 words and should clearly demonstrate how the nomination meets the requirements set out in the University's Conferment policy and procedure . The supporting statement should provide full details in support of your proposal, including details of their specific connections with London Met or contributions that they have made to the local community. Proposals are significantly strengthened by having the support of an associated Head of Department or Head of School.
  • Nominations are sought from current students, current staff, Governors and alumni - members of the public cannot submit nominations.

Nominees are assessed by the Governance Committee against the following criteria:

  • They must demonstrate the very highest national or international distinction in their chosen field in academic and/or public life.
  • There must be clear potential for them to develop a lasting relationship with the University.
  • Their achievements must relate in some way to the work or values of the University.
  • Individuals who have given exceptional service to the University over an extended period of time may also be considered.

Honorary awards to successful nominees are normally conferred at the University’s graduation ceremonies.