Executive committees

Executive leadership within the University is provided by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive, Professor Lynn Dobbs.

The senior leadership team (SLT) is responsible for advising the Vice-Chancellor on the exercise of the functions and responsibilities delegated by the Board of Governors to the Vice-Chancellor as the University’s Chief Executive. The SLT comprises the executive of the University for the purposes of the University’s Regulations and Scheme of Delegation.

The members of the SLT are:

  • Professor Lynn Dobbs, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive (chair)
  • Professor Julie Hall, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
  • Mr Gary Davies, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Recruitment and Business Development)
  • Mr Eugene McCrossan, Chief Operating Officer
  • Professor Don MacRaild, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Knowledge Exchange)
  • Professor Nona McDuff, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Success)
  • Professor Marcia Wilson, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience and Institutional Equity)
  • Ms Nicola Le Faou, University Secretary
  • Ms Priscila Da Cruz Silva, Head of the Vice Chancellor's Office
  • Ms Chloe Milano, Executive Director of People

Please see the SLT terms of reference and membership for more information.

The senior management team (SMT), reporting to the senior leadership team, brings together the senior academic and professional services management of the University. This secures a common understanding and engagement over the implementation of the University’s Strategic Plan and the strategies and plans approved by the Board of Governors to ensure the sustainability of the University.

The University's Health and Safety Committee (dealing with operational health and safety matters) reports to the senior leadership team. Minutes are available upon request to the University Secretary's Office.