Dr Jane Lewis

Dr Jane Lewis has worked as a lecturer at London Metropolitan University for over 20 years. Jane is a Course Leader for Sociology BSc and a Senior Lecturer in Sociology/Social Policy.

Image of Jane Lewis

Jane Lewis

Jane has a lot of experience of teaching under-graduate and post-graduate courses and students at London Metropolitan University. She is Course Leader for Sociology and for the Professional Doctorate Researching Work programme. She teaches a variety of modules, particularly modules on inequalities both within the UK and globally and on housing. Jane has a PhD in Geography awarded from the University of London in which she researched women's employment in the UK. She is a Senior Fellow of the HEA. Jane has a lot of research experience including leading on recent projects with local partners including the London Borough of Islington and London Borough of Haringey, for which she has looked at the employment gap experienced by Black, Asian and minority ethnic residents and by residents with disabilities, identifying the barriers these groups experience in accessing employment and the ways in which local service providers can respond better to their needs.

Jane teaches on a wide range of modules including modules with a focus on inequalities in the UK and globally. This includes core level 4 and previously level 5 modules on global inequalities and on global climate change and environmental inequalities. Jane has taught many modules on cities and inequalities in cities at both under-graduate and post-graduate levels and on housing and housing policy. Jane also teaches sessions on housing as part of the BA Social Work and on gender.

Jane's particular interests are on housing and homelessness and on poverty and inequality, she also has a long-standing interest in changes in employment and labour markets and in the sociology of work. These interests connect both Jane's teaching and research and over recent years she has conducted research on council housing estates in north London that are being demolished and redeveloped, interviewing existing tenants on their experiences of the changes involved alongside recent projects for a number of local partners, including the London Borough of Islington and the London Borough of Haringey which have looked at the employment gap experienced by Black, Asian and minority ethnic residents and by residents with disabilities.


Lewis. J et al (2023) Haringey Employment Gap Project, Final Report. October 2023.
Lewis. J et al (2023) Islington Disability Employment Research Project. Final Report.
Lewis. J et al (2022) islington Black, Asian and Minority ethnic Employment Research Project. Final Report.
Lewis. J and Nelson. S (2019) Resident engagement in the regeneration of social housing: the case of Woodberry Down, London. International Journal of Housing Policy.
Lewis. S (2017) Inequalities in European Cities. Chapter in Isaacs S et al (eds) European Social Problems. London. Routledge.
Aumayr-Pintar. C et al (2015) Developments in working life in Europe: EurWork Annual Review 2014

Dr Jane Lewis
Course Leader Sociology
E: j.lewis@londonmet.ac.uk