The second annual yearbook celebrating the eclectic work of Cass students is now available.
Date: 12 August 2016
The Cass Session 2015-16, the second annual Cass yearbook, has been published, celebrating the life, culture and achievements of The Sir John Cass School of Art, Architecture and Design at London Metropolitan University over the last academic year.
The Cass Session 2015-16 features over 800 images from studios and units across all of the Faculty's disciplines and highlights the wider life at The Cass including projects, exhibitions, events and news.
With a forward from Andy Stone, Head of The Cass, the yearbook reflects on the achievements of both students and staff in a year which has seen many changes for the Faculty. The yearbook also includes introductions from the Heads of the nine Casses within the schools – 3D, Architecture, Cities, Film, Fine Art, Foundation, Interiors, Music and Visual Communication.
The book’s editor, Academic Leader Michael Upton said: “Putting the yearbook together is a real challenge but a very pleasurable one. So many great things happen at the Faculty it is impossible to include everything - and I wish we'd known about our record DLHE and NSS scores before publication. It's a wonderful way to end the year and we're already thinking about next year's edition.”
Edited in house with design agency Polimekanos, the yearbook is illustrated with images of the work produced by both Cass staff and students over the course of the year and dedicated pages offer insights into a student's experience while studying at The Cass.
The Cass Session 2015-16 can be viewed online and is available to buy for £15, or £5 for current students, from London Met's eShop.