Employers networking event at The Cass

A networking evening and private viewing of our summer show to meet our graduating students, alumni and fellow creative professionals.

On the occasion of the Cass Summer Show where students from all disciplines of art, architecture and design are exhibiting their exceptional work over the six floors at Central House; The Cass has organised an Employers Networking Evening and private view to meet fellow creative professionals within the industry.
The event, which will be held on Tuesday 4th July from 6 to 9 pm, will be a great chance for graduates and alumni to meet employers to get advice on the different types of opportunities available to them in the creative industries. There will also be a chance to review the activity and extraordinary output of the school in the last year, along with meeting academic staff to explore live projects opportunities and to see examples of completed commissions by our students.
If you are a third-year, post grad or alumni and would like to attend this event please RSVP d.pacarada@londonmet.ac.uk.