Aristotelian ethical and political naturalism
Alexander, John, "Non-Reductionist Naturalism: Nussbaum between Aristotle and Hume", Res Publica 11:2, 157-83, 2005.
Annas, Julia, "Aristotle on Human Nature and Political Virtue", Review of Metaphysics 49:4, 731-53, 1996.
Arnhart, Larry, "Darwin, Aristotle, and the Biology of Human Rights", Social Science Information23, 493-521, 1984.
Arnhart, Larry, "Aristotle's Biopolitics: A Defense of Biological Teleology against Biological Nihilism" & "Author’s Response" (to commentaries by William T. Bluhm, John Bokina, John F. Cornell, H. Tristham Engelhardt, Jr., Ernest L. Fortin, Joseph Lopreato, Stephen G. Salkever, Leonard R. Sorenson, & James L. Wiser), Politics and the Life Sciences 6:2, 173-91 & 223-9, 1988.
Arnhart, Larry, "Aristotle, Chimpanzees, and Other Political Animals", Social Science Information29, 477-557, 1990.
Arnhart, Larry, "The Darwinian Biology of Aristotle's Political Animals", American Journal of Political Science 38, 464-85, 1994.
Arnhart, Larry, "A Sociobiological Defense of Aristotle's Sexual Politics", International Political Science Review 15, 389-416, 1994.
Arnhart, Larry, Darwinian Natural Right: The Biological Ethics of Human Nature, State University of New York Press, 1998.
Arnhart, Larry, "Thomistic Natural Law as Darwinian Natural Right", in Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred D. Miller & Jeffrey Paul eds., Natural Law and Modern Moral Philosophy, Cambridge UP, 2001 (also pub. in Social Philosophy & Policy 18:1, 1-33, 2001).
Arnhart, Larry, Darwinian Conservatism, Imprint Academic, 2005.
Arnhart, Larry (with contributions by Neil W. Blackstone, Lauren Hall, Carson Holloway, Peter Augustine Lawler, Timothy Sandefur, Richard Sherlock, Michael Shermer, John G. West, & Kenneth C. Blanchard, Jr.), ed. Blanchard, Darwinian Conservatism: A Disputed Question, Imprint Academic, 2009.
Binswanger, Harry, "Life-based Teleology and the Foundations of Ethics", The Monist 75:1, 1992.
Brown, Stephen R., "Naturalized Virtue Ethics and the Epistemological Gap", Journal of Moral Philosophy 1:2, 197-209, 2004.
Brown, Stephen R., Moral Virtue and Nature: A Defense of Ethical Naturalism, Continuum, 2008.
Casebeer, William D., "Evolutionary Ethics: An Argument for 'New Wave' Aristotelianism", Politics and the Life Sciences 22:1, 67-69, 2003.
Chappell, Timothy, "'The Good Man is the Measure of All Things': Objectivity without World-Centeredness in Aristotle's Moral Epistemology", in Christopher Gill ed., Norms, Virtue, and Objectivity: Issues in Ancient and Modern Ethics, Oxford UP, 2005.
Clark, Stephen R.L., Aristotle's Man: Speculations upon Aristotelian Anthropology, Oxford UP, 1975.
Clark, Stephen R.L., The Political Animal: Biology, Ethics and Politics, Routledge, 1999.
Cooper, John M., "Aristotle on Natural Teleology", in Malcolm Schofield & Martha C. Nussbaum eds., Language and Logos, Cambridge UP, 1982 (reprinted in Cooper, Knowledge, Nature, and the Good: Essays on Ancient Philosophy, Princeton UP, 2004).
Ferguson, John, "Teleology in Aristotle’s Politics", in Allan Gotthelf ed., Aristotle on Nature and Living Things: Philosophical and Historical Studies Presented to David M . Balme on his Seventieth Birthday, Mathesis Publications / Bristol Classical Press, 1985.
FitzPatrick, William Joseph, Teleology and the Norms of Nature, Garland Publishing, 2000.
Forman, David, "Autonomy as Second Nature: On McDowell's Aristotelian Naturalism", Inquiry51:6, 563-80, 2008.
Foster, Susanne E., "Aristotle and animal phronesis", Philosophical Inquiry 19, 27-38, 1997.
Glackin, Shane Nicholas, "Dolphin Natures, Human Virtues: MacIntyre and Ethical Naturalism",History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 39:3, 292-297, 2008.
Hacker-Wright, John, "Human Nature, Personhood, and Ethical Naturalism", Philosophy 84, 413-27, 2009.
Hauskeller, Michael, "Telos: The Revival of an Aristotelian Concept in Present Day Ethics", Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 48:1, 62-75, 2005.
Hursthouse, Rosalind, Ethics, Humans and Other Animals, Routledge, 2000.
Hursthouse, Rosalind, "Applying Virtue Ethics to Our Treatment of the Other Animals", in Jennifer Welchman ed., The Practice of Virtue, Hackett, 2006.
Jacobs, Jonathan, "Metaethics and Teleology", Review of Metaphysics 55:1, 41-55, 2001.
Johnson, Monte Ransome, Aristotle on Teleology, Oxford University Press, 2005.
Keyt, David, "Three Fundamental Theorems in Aristotle’s Politics", Phronesis, 54-79, 1987 (reprinted in Lloyd P. Gerson ed., Aristotle: Critical Assessments vol. 4, Routledge, 1999; a revised version appears in David Keyt & Fred D. Miller, Jr., eds., A Companion to Aristotle's Politics, Blackwell, 1991, as "Three Basic Theorems in Aristotle’s Politics").
Keyt, David, "The Meaning of Bios in Aristotle’s Ethics and Politics", Ancient Philosophy 9, 15-21, 1989.
David Keyt, "Fred Miller on Aristotle's Political Naturalism", Ancient Philosophy 16, 425-30, 1996.
Kraut, Richard, "Nature in Aristotle's Ethics and Politics", Social Philosophy and Policy 24:2, 199-219, 2007 (also published as David Keyt & Fred D. Miller, Jr., eds., Freedom, Reason, and the Polis: Essays in Ancient Greek Political Philosophy, Cambridge UP, 2007).
Kullmann, Wolfgang, "Different Concepts of the Final Cause in Aristotle", in Allan Gotthelf ed.,Aristotle on Nature and Living Things: Philosophical and Historical Studies Presented to David M . Balme on his Seventieth Birthday, Mathesis Publications / Bristol Classical Press, 1985.
Kullmann, Wolfgang, "Man as a Political Animal in Aristotle", in David Keyt & Fred D. Miller, Jr., eds., A Companion to Aristotle's Politics, Blackwell, 1991.
Lennox, James G., "Darwin was a Teleologist", Biology and Philosophy 8, 408-21, 1993.
Lennox, James G., "Health as an Objective Value", Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 20, 499-511, 1995.
Lennox, James G., "Liberty and the Human Environment", Institute for Objectivist Studies Journal5:2, 1-9, 1995.
Lennox, James G., "Aristotle on the Biological Roots of Human Virtue", in Jane Maienschein & Michael Ruse eds., Biology and the Foundations of Ethics, Cambridge UP, 1999.
Lloyd, G.E.R, "The Idea of Nature in the Politics", in Lloyd, Aristotelian Explorations, Cambridge UP, 1996.
McDowell, John, "Two Sorts of Naturalism", in Rosalind Hursthouse, Gavin Lawrence & Warren Quinn eds., Virtues and Reasons: Philippa Foot and Moral Theory, Oxford UP, 1995 (reprinted in McDowell, Mind, Value, and Reality, Harvard UP, 1998).
McDowell, John, Mind and World, Harvard UP, 1996 (2nd edn.).
MacIntyre, Alasdair, "What Can Moral Philosophers Learn from the Study of the Brain?",Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 58:4, 865-69, 1998.
MacIntyre, Alasdair, "Review Essay on Moral Animals: Deals and Constraints in Moral Theory" (review of Catherine Wilson, Moral Animals), Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 75:3, 716-26, 2007.
MacIntyre, Alasdair, "Human Nature and Human Dependence: What Might a Thomist Learn from Reading Løgstrup?", in Svend Andersen & Kees van Kooten Niekerk eds., Concern for the Other: Perspectives on the Work of K.E. Løgstrup, University of Notre Dame Press, 2007.
MacIntyre, Alasdair, Dependent Rational Animals: Why Human Beings Need the Virtues, Open Court / Duckworth, 1999.
MacIntyre, Alasdair, "What is a Human Body?", in MacIntyre, Selected Essays vol. 2: Ethics and Politics, Cambridge UP, 2006.
Matthen, Mohan, "Telology in Living Things", in Georgios Anagnostopoulos, A Companion to Aristotle, Blackwell, 2009.
Megone, Christopher, "Mental Illness, Human Function and Values", Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 7:1 (special issue on Aristotle, Function, and Mental Disorder), 45-65, 2000.
Megone, Christopher, "Persons and Potentiality: An Aristotelian Approach", in Mark Kuczewski & Ronald Polansky eds., Bioethics: Ancient Themes in Contemporary Issues, MIT Press, 2000.
Megone, Christopher, "Mental Illness, Metaphysics, Facts and Values", in Philosophical Papers 36, 399-426, 2007.
Miller, Fred D., Jr., Nature, Justice, and Rights in Aristotle's Politics, Oxford UP, 1995.
Miller, Fred D., Jr., "Aristotle and the Origins of Natural Rights", 873-907.
Mumford, Stephen, "Passing Powers Around", The Monist 92:1, 94-111, 2009.
Nussbaum, Martha C., "Human Functioning and Social Justice: In Defense of Aristotelian Essentialism", Political Theory 20:2, 202-246, 1992.
Oderberg, David S., “Hylemorphic Dualism”, Social Philosophy and Policy 22:2, 70-99, 2005.
Porter, Jean, Nature as Reason: A Thomistic Theory of the Natural Law, Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2005.
Reeve, C.D.C., "The Naturalness of the Polis in Aristotle", in Georgios Anagnostopoulos, A Companion to Aristotle, Blackwell, 2009.
Roberts, Jean, "Political Animals in the Nicomachean Ethics", Phronesis 34:2, 185-204, 1989.
Ruse, Michael, "Evolutionary Ethics and the Search for Predecessors: Kant, Hume, and All the Way Back to Aristotle?", in Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred D. Miller & Jeffrey Paul eds., Ethics, Politics, and Human Nature, Cambridge UP, 1991 (also pub. in Social Philosophy & Policy 8:1, 59-85, 1991).
Thomasma, David, "Aristotle, Phronesis, and Postmodern Bioethics", in Mark Kuczewski & Ronald Polansky eds., Bioethics: Ancient Themes in Contemporary Issues, MIT Press, 2000.
Thompson, Allen, "Reconciling Themes in Neo-Aristotelian Meta-ethics", Journal of Value Inquiry41:2/4, 245-63, 2007.
Thompson, Michael, "Apprehending Human Form", in Anthony O’Hear, Modern Moral Philosophy(Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 54), Cambridge UP, 2004.
Thompson, Michael, "The Representation of Life", in Rosalind Hursthouse, Gavin Lawrence & Warren Quinn eds., Virtues and Reasons: Philippa Foot and Moral Theory, Oxford UP, 1995 (and "a slight revision of the version that was supposed to be printed, but wasn’t" @
Thompson, Michael, Life and Action: Elementary Structures of Practice and Practical Thought, Harvard UP, 2008.
Toner, Christopher, "Sorts of Naturalism: Requirements for a Successful Theory", Metaphilosophy39:2, 220-50, 2008.
Vogler, Candace, "Modern Moral Philosophy Again: Isolating the Promulgation Problem", Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 106:3, 345-62, 2006.
Wheeler, Michael, "Under Darwin’s Cosh?: Neo-Aristotelian Thinking in Environmental Ethics", in Anthony O’Hear ed., Philosophy, Biology and Life (Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 56), Cambridge UP, 2005.
And some more purely biological naturalism
Ariew, André, "Teleology", in David L. Hull & Michael Ruse eds., The Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Biology, Cambridge UP, 2007.
Bodnár, I., "Teleology across Natures", Rhizai 1, 9-29, 2005.
Depew, David J., "Consequence Etiology and Biological Teleology in Aristotle and Darwin", Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 39:4, 379-90, 2008.
Engelmann, Edward M., "Scientific Demonstration In Aristotle, Theoria, and Reductionism", Review of Metaphysics 60:3, 479-506, 2007.
Gilson, Étienne (trans. John Lyon), From Aristotle to Darwin: A Journey in Final Causality, Species, and Evolution, University of Notre Dame Press, 1998.
Gotthelf, Allan, "Aristotle's Conception of Final Causality", in Allan Gotthelf & James G. Lennox eds., Philosophical Issues in Aristotle's Biology, Cambridge UP, 1987 (reprinted in R. Bosley & C. Panayides eds., Essays in Ancient Philosophy, Intercollege Academic Press, 2005; earlier version in Review of Metaphysics, 1976).
Gotthelf, Allan, "The Place of the Good in Aristotle's Natural Teleology", in John J. Cleary & Daniel C. Shartin eds., Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium on Ancient Philosophy vol. 4, University Press of America, 1988.
Gotthelf, Allan, "Understanding Aristotle's Teleology", in Richard F. Hassing ed., Final Causality in Nature and Human Affairs, Catholic University Press, 1997.
Gotthelf, Allan, "Darwin on Aristotle", Journal of the History of Biology 32:1, 3-30, 1999.
Grene, Marjorie & David Depew, The Philosophy of Biology: An Episodic History, Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Judson, Lindsay, "Aristotelian Teleology", in David Sedley ed., Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy vol. 29, 2005.
Nussbaum, Martha Craven, Aristotle's De Motu Animalium, Princeton UP, 1978.
Pavlopoulos, Marc, "Aristotle's Natural Teleology and Metaphysics of Life", Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 24, 133-81, 2003.
Sedley, David, "Is Aristotle's Teleology Anthropocentric?", Phronesis 36, 179-97, 1991.
Wallace, William A., "The Intelligibility of Nature: A Neo-Aristotelian View", Review of Metaphysics
38:1, 33-56 (followed by Nicholas Lobkowicz, "Schmitz, Jordan, and Wallace on Intelligibility", 57-68), 1984.
Walsh, Denis, "Teleology", in Michael Ruse ed., The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Biology, Oxford UP, 2008.
Weiss, Raymond L., "Darwin and the Question of Form: The Greek Connection", Review of Metaphysics 61:1, 51-60, 2007.
Still further biological metaphysics is specified in a bibliography about "Biological Natural Kinds, courtesy of the AHRC Metaphysics of Science Project" (in Word).