Contact Information

Amount Due/Instalment Arrangements

Queries relating to invoices and amounts due, instalment arrangements, direct debits and automatic credit card payments, should be directed to the Income Collection Team, whose office is located at:

North Campus:
Income Collection
Finance Department
Admin Block
Tower Building
166-220 Holloway Road
London N7 8DB
Tel: 020 7133 2060
Fax: 020 7133 2590


Make a Payment

If you would like to make a payment or have a query relating to methods of payment or payments already made, please contact our Cashiers Office, located at:

North Campus:
Cashiers Office
Finance Department
Admin Block
Tower Building
166-220 Holloway Road
London N7 8DB
Tel: 020 7133 2016
Fax: 020 7133 2193


Opening Hours

Both Income Collection and Cashiers offices are open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.