Opening talk: Performance measurement - why it matters?

26 April 2022

The Centre for Performance with Purpose launched itself to the world with a talk from a truly internationally recognised academic Professor Umit Bititci, a world expert on performance management. Closing in on 15,00 citations he has spanned the field of performance management, combining an engineer’s interest in how things work with academic rigour and scholarship. His approach has always been to work with organisations, large, small, public and private on real life problems; an approach reflected in achieving a portfolio of research income in excess of £20m. He has also been Executive Dean of the Edinburgh Business School. Professor Bititci is a life long advocate of taking a whole systems approach, viewing organisations as complex socio-technical systems.

  • Speaker: Professor Umit Bititci - Acting Executive Dean of the Edinburgh Business School and Professor of Business Performance
  • Chair: Professor Nigel Caldwell - Director of Performance with Purpose Research Centre, London Metropolitan University.
professor Umit Bititci giving an online lecture from his office

Photo: Professor Umit Bititci presenting at the opening talk of the Performance with Purpose Research Centre

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Opening talk: Performance measurement - why it matters?

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