From Panel to Dynamic Panel Data Models: What, Where, When and How?

6 October 2023  

Panel data, often referred to as longitudinal data, presents a rich source of information for researchers and analysts. As against the cross-sectional data, which comprises of observations of several units at a single point in time, the panel data comprises of repeated observations over time on sets of several units. One of the main advantages of panel data is that it includes additional information possessing high variability with a likelihood of more efficient outcomes.  

This talk intended to broaden the understanding around the fundamentals of panel data, its estimation techniques and application in multiple research domains. Furthermore, it aimed to introduce the concept of dynamics in panel data models and its relevance to current research.  


Yukti Bajaj is an assistant professor of Finance & Accounting at the International Management Institute New Delhi. As a skilled researcher, she explores and investigates contemporary financial management issues. During her PhD at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, she examined the topic "Capital Structure Speed of Adjustment: A Comparative Study of India and China". Her current research interests lie around Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance. She is also a Fintech enthusiast and is gradually adding this domain in her teaching and research endeavours. She has published in several international and national peer-reviewed journals of repute, like the International Review of Financial Analysis and The World Economy (to name a few) and has presented her work at national and international peer-reviewed conferences. She holds a BCom (Hons) from Shri Ram College of Commerce (University of Delhi) and a MCom from Ramjas College (University of Delhi). 

Photo of Yukti Bajaj,  source: International Management Institute New Delhi.

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From Panel to Dynamic Panel Data Models: What, Where, When and How?

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