Alasdair MacIntyre's books

Other books

MacIntyre's sole-authored books

Marxism: An Interpretation, SCM Press, 1953. 
Marxism and Christianity, Schocken Books, 1968; Gerald Duckworth, 1969; Penguin Books, 1971. 
2nd edn. (including "Three Perspectives on Marxism", reprinted in Ethics and Politics (see below) as "Three Perspectives on Marxism: 1953, 1968, 1995"), University of Notre Dame Press / Duckworth, 1995. 

The Unconscious: A Conceptual Analysis
, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1958; Thoemmes Press, 1997. 
(German trans., 1968; French trans., 1984). 
2nd edn. (including 38pp. "Preface to the Revised Edition"), Routledge, 2004. 

Difficulties in Christian Belief, SCM Press, 1959. 

A Short History of Ethics: A History of Moral Philosophy from the Homeric Age to the Twentieth Century, Macmillan, 1966; Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1967. 
(Dutch trans., 1974; German trans., 1994). 
2nd edn. (including new "Preface"), Routledge, 1999. 

Secularization and Moral Change (Riddell Memorial Lectures, 1964), Oxford UP, 1967. 

Marcuse, Collins, 1970; Marcuse: An Exposition and a Polemic, Viking, 1970. (Chinese trans., 1990). 

Against the Self-Images of the Age: Essays on Ideology and Philosophy, Schocken Books / Duckworth, 1971. 

After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory, University of Notre Dame Press / Duckworth, 1981. 
2nd edn. (including "Postscript to the Second Edition"), University of Notre Dame Press, 1984; Duckworth, 1985. 
(German trans., 1987; Spanish trans., 1987; Italian trans., 1988; also translated into a dozen other languages). 
3rd edn. (including "Prologue: After Virtue after a Quarter of a Century"), University of Notre Dame Press / Duckworth, 2007. 

Whose Justice? Which Rationality?, University of Notre Dame Press / Duckworth, 1988. 

Three Rival Versions of Moral Enquiry: Encyclopaedia, Genealogy, and Tradition (Gifford Lectures, 1988), University of Notre Dame Press / Duckworth, 1990. 
(Italian trans., 1993, including new preface). 

First Principles, Final Ends and Contemporary Philosophical Issues, Marquette UP, 1990 (Aquinas Lecture, 1990; reprinted in Kelvin Knight ed., The MacIntyre Reader, Polity Press / University of Notre Dame Press, 1998). 

Dependent Rational Animals: Why Human Beings Need the Virtues, Open Court / Duckworth, 1999. 

Edith Stein: A Philosophical Prologue, 1913-1922
, Rowman & Littlefield, 2005; 
Edith Stein: A Philosophical Prologue, Continuum, 2006. 

Selected Essays, Cambridge UP, 2006: 
vol. 1: The Tasks of Philosophy 
vol. 2: Ethics and Politics

God, Philosophy, Universities: A Selective History of the Catholic Philosophical Tradition, Rowman & Littlefield / Continuum, 2009. 
(translations include Dios, filosofía, universidades (tr. Enrique Anrubia & Sebastián Montiel), Editorial Nuevo Inicio, 2012).

Co-authored, edited and co-edited books

Antony Flew & Alasdair MacIntyre eds., New Essays in Philosophical Theology, SCM Press. 1955 (including co-ed. "Preface"; MacIntyre, "Visions", Italian trans. as "Visioni", Nuovi saggi di teologia filosofica, Edizioni Dehoniane, 1971). 

Stephen Toulmin, Ronald W. Hepburn & Alasdair MacIntyre, Metaphysical Beliefs: Three Essays, 1957 (including MacIntyre, "The Logical Status of Religious Belief"). 

Alasdair MacIntyre ed., Hume’s Ethical Writings: Selections from David Hume, Collier Books / Macmillan 1965; University of Notre Dame Press, 1979. 

Alasdair MacIntyre & Paul Ricoeur, The Religious Significance of Atheism (Bampton Lectures, 1966), Columbia UP, 1969 (including MacIntyre, "The Debate About God: Victorian Relevance and Contemporary Irrelevance"). 

Dorothy Emmet & Alasdair MacIntyre eds., Sociological Theory and Philosophical Analysis, Macmillan, 1970 (including co-ed. "Introduction"). 

Alasdair MacIntyre ed., Hegel: A Collection of Critical Essays, Doubleday, 1972; University of Notre Dame Press, 1976 (including MacIntyre, "Hegel on Faces and Skulls", reprinted in Ted Honderich ed., Philosophy Through Its Past, Penguin, 1984, and in MacIntyre, Selected Essays vol. 1: The Tasks of Philosophy). 

Stanley Hauerwas & Alasdair MacIntyre eds., Revisions: Changing Perspectives in Moral Philosophy, University of Notre Dame Press, 1983 (including MacIntyre, "Moral Philosophy: What Next?"). 

Edited collections

Kelvin Knight ed., The MacIntyre Reader, Polity Press / University of Notre Dame Press, 1998.

Paul Blackledge & Neil Davidson eds., Alasdair MacIntyre’s Engagement with Marxism, Brill, 2008.