Matthew Wraith
Predicting the world in decades to come is equally as necessary as it is impossible. Cultural history, from high art to kitsch, is littered with visions of the future; some inspiring, some ridiculous, almost all of them wrong. Yet preparing for a world that will inevitably be radically different from our own is an urgent imperative that will necessarily involve both empirical, data-driven critique and wild flights of the imagination. Economic planners, industry professionals and science fiction filmmakers have all converged on the same techniques to try to get their heads around the rapidly changing world. It is no longer enough to make statements and propositions about the future. It has to be pictured.
This studio will present an array of different visualisations of the future, from the past and the present day, for an array of purposes. We will be scanning the horizon of technology, urban development, human development, and political development to try to capture some fleeting possibilities on one screen or page.
Seminar Programme
- The prediction business. Futures Past and Present
- Tech Horizons Graphic timelines
- Settlement – Home, Cities, Environment
- Human Body and post-human body
- Whose future? – Anarchy and Order. Afro-futurism
- The Ancient Future
- You show me!
Studio Bibliography
- Heimann, J., (2002) Future Perfect, Cologne: Taschen
- Dunne, A, and Rabie, F., Speculative Everything
- Dobraszczyk, P., Future Cities: Architecture and the Imagination, London: Reaktion
- Batty, Michael. Inventing Future Cities. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2018.
- Dunn, Nick and Cureton, Paul (2020) Future Cities: A Visual Guide. Bloomsbury, London
- Bostrom, Nick. ‘In Defence of Posthuman Dignity.’ Bioethics 19.3 (2005): 202–214.
- Haraway, D., 1991. A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the D. Haraway, ed., Simians, Cyborgs, and Women, New York: Routledge, pp.149-181.
- Lanier, Jaron. Who Owns the Future? London: Allen Lane, 2013.
- Susskind, Jamie. Future Politics: Living Together in a World Transformed by Tech. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.
- Kurzweil R., The Singularity is Near New York: Viking
- Boston Dynamics, ‘Do you love me?’
- Wired, The Future of Cities
- Tate, ‘Afrofuturism’
- Sun Ra, ‘Space is the Place’
- Parliament, ‘Mothership Connection’
Banner: Hans Op de Beeck, Staging Silence (3), video still (detail), 2019

Tutor | Matthew Wraith |