Studio 01: The Gesture of a Building

Studio brief

The Gesture of a Building

As architects we are constantly searching for an appropriate architectural response to the given situation in which we work. We are looking for a balance of participants to bring a specific energy and tone to proceedings whether contributing a new building within a pre-existing piece of city or a landscape setting.

Studio 01 is fascinated by the contribution architecture makes to the life of a place. This year we will explore how the gesture of a building can be a gift to the city. It’s the relationships, accidental and purposeful, the chattering between buildings that makes memorable moments in the city. We will be searching for authentic gestures in architecture. We like the analogy of organising a meal with friends. Getting the right mix of personalities around the table is key. You’ll want guests that can be gentle, helpful, fun, reconciliatory, taciturn, humble, pompous, gregarious and provocative even. This is also true when trying to build a city.

Buildings can be figure-like with heads, tails, faces, fronts, backs and shoulders. The expression of a building communicates to its surroundings. A building gesture is not just linked to the articulation of its facade but also its internal workings. The meaningful interrelationships between interior spaces and the city also help to define the spirit or personality of the project.

Time will be set aside to carefully look at buildings. We will help you to develop your own way of seeing architecture and identifying the aspects of architecture you value. You will make studies of artworks and existing moments in the city formed by figures or buildings in dialogue. We will visit Rome and Milan to experience special examples of architecture from two epochs. Back in London you will make designs on sites characterised by existing buildings with their own positive gestures. Your designs will look to respond to these existing qualities and enhance this moment in the city.

Series of stone carvings with markings entitled Maquette by Eduardo Paolozzi and Nigel Henderson


Course Architecture BA (Hons)
Tutors Alex Bank
Sam Casswell

Goulston Street
Room GS2-35a

When Tuesday and Friday

Architecture Studios
