Quality Assurance and Enhancement at the University

London Metropolitan University is responsible for ensuring that appropriate academic standards are being achieved and a good quality of education is being offered to students.

The University’s schools work within the policies and processes set out in the Quality Manual. These processes are developed to assure the quality of teaching and learning and that the standards of awards are aligned with the UK Quality Code for Higher Education published by the Quality Assurance Agency.

To access the University's approved course and module specifications, please see our Course Catalogue for course specifications and Module Catalogue for module specifications.

Responsibility for quality at the University

Academic Quality and Development (AQD) has the responsibility to develop and support quality assurance and enhancement processes for the University and our Collaborative Partners. The team advises Schools on matters of academic standards and quality assurance.

The University’s Academic Schools are responsible for the implementation of quality management within the University.

The Centre for Teaching Enhancement (CTE) is a unit within the Human Resources Directorate that is responsible for the delivery of staff development for academic and professional services staff. CTE also supports staff in the delivery of high quality teaching, learning and assessment.

Photograph of the Graduate Centre.

Quality Assurance at the University
