Islington survivors of non-recent abuse call out for evidence

Islington Survivors Network is a campaign involving survivors of non-recent child abuse within the Islington care system. is a new website with a call out for survivors of non-recent abuse within Islington children's homes since the 1950s and for witnesses to that abuse. It has based its campaign on that of the 600 Lambeth survivors of Shirley Oaks Children's Homes.

Submissions and testimony will be collated to present to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA), and Islington Survivors Network has applied for core participant status in order to gain legal representation to present to the inquiry. Barristers from the chambers of Michael Mansfield QC are acting pro-bono for the group.

Support for the survivors is being provided by the National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC), and Islington Council is assisting in locating personal records and documentation. Many survivors' files have been lost and they are piecing their childhood histories together slowly from fragments of information. Former Islington staff with knowledge of the homes are being asked to assist. Many of the perpetrators of crimes against children are now deceased but some have escaped justice. Where appropriate, evidence will be presented to police to enable investigation to take place.

Street scene with graffiti of child